Sunday, July 10, 2011

Life Lesson #22

The fact that you have great parents (and phenomenal aunts) should make this life lesson irrelevant, but I wouldn't be doing my duty if I didn't include this in my list of Life Lessons: Under no circumstance should you allow yourself to be that girl who needs a boy to feel complete. Be a complete person by yourself. As you get older, you'll meet girls like this. Hopefully you'll shake your head in wonder and be happy you're not her.

Life Lesson #100

The more time you spend talking with a boy is inversely proportional to how much you'll continue to like him. I haven't done any scientific research, but I think it may have something to do with the well-known fact that boys are dumb. They do however make great pets, and everyone should own one.

Life Lesson #47

When the dancing starts, and you're expected to stay sober, you're allowed to leave. And quickly, without saying goodbye.

Life Lesson #37

When traveling, the skinniest person has to take the middle seat. No exceptions.

Life Lesson #11

Money might not buy happiness, but not having it will make you miserable. Think about this when you decide to be a janitor instead of an investment banker.

Life Lesson #2

Always travel Republican.