Saturday, June 30, 2012

Life Lesson #87

When you come across words that speak to you, make note of them.  Take a look at them every once in a while - it just might be your subconscious speaking to you.

My list so far: sojourner, dissolute, succinct, indelible, eccentricities, ennui, amalgam, insouciant, miasma, impetuous.

Life Lesson #89

Don't get lost in your work while sitting in a leather chair unless you have pants on.

Life Lesson #88

Puppets are a red flag.  Unless it's a Bad Idea Bear, in which case it is an automatic green flag.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Life Lesson # 43

I'm not good with happy mediums.  Extremes make more sense to me.  You see results quicker.

Life Lesson #91

Keep in mind that anxiety is just a glimpse of your own daring (or else you might have intestinal parasites).

Life Lesson #93

Herding bears is about a million times more difficult than herding cats.  Wear a helmet.