Sunday, April 13, 2014

Life Lesson #59

Be someone with a Past.  Be someone with experiences and stories.  Never regret living your life, or associate with people who make you feel like you should.

Life Lesson #73

If you wake up with someone humping your leg and pretend to continue sleeping, you're in for a world of stalker.

Life Lesson #95

You might need to re-evaluate your mental health if a bomb goes off at lunch and your first reaction is relief that you won't have to be social that night.

Life Lesson # 105

If your measure of success for the evening is that you kept your clothes on, you need to re-evaluate your standards.

Life Lesson #79

Always brush your teeth.  That way even if everything else in your day goes wrong, at least you brushed you teeth.

Life Lesson #72

It doesn't matter who you are, when you're waiting on the results of an HIV test, you rethink all of your bad decisions.

Life Lesson #137

Never ask a taxi driver where to get a drink in a foreign country.  Or Alabama.